Glenn Pietruski, DMin

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Glenn Pietruski teaches courses in theology and philosophy at Pillar College, and his driving purpose is to strengthen the faith of believers and to better equip them to defend the historic Christian faith. Glenn is also the Adult Ministries Director at his local church, where his primary duties include teaching, preaching, and serving as a resource for others. He has spoken at Christian conferences and churches in the United States, Europe, Africa, and South America, on a variety of topics in the field of Christian Apologetics. He was also a guest lecturer at the Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece.

Glenn Pietruski graduated with a Doctor of Ministry Degree, summa cum laude, from Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC. He completed his Master of Divinity Degree at Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, NY, and his Master of Education Degree at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. His Bachelor of Science in Psychology was completed at Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA. Dr. Pietruski was a recipient of the David A. Denyer Award at Alliance Theological Seminary, and was elected into Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges in 2005.

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