A Chinese proverb says: “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls; others build windmills.”
Pillar College educates, inspires, and equips students for excellent scholarship, service, and leadership. Rooted in and committed to Christian faith and love, PC fosters intellectual, spiritual, and social development among its diverse student population at various instructional sites.
Pillar College chooses windmills. We recently introduced our new vision, Windmills of Change. We have envisioned and are planning many more career-friendly majors, new delivery methods, new relational networks, and new funding potential. But, mostly, Windmills of Change will include new opportunities for thousands of students. Through Windmills of Change, Pillar will provide more students with profitable careers, blessing communities, and businesses with Christ-empowered employees.
Pillar College chooses windmills. We recently introduced our new vision, Windmills of Change. We have envisioned and are planning many more career-friendly majors, new delivery methods, new relational networks, and new funding potential. But, mostly, Windmills of Change will include new opportunities for thousands of students. Through Windmills of Change, Pillar will provide more students with profitable careers, blessing communities, and businesses with Christ-empowered employees.
Goal: To educate, inspire, and equip students for excellent scholarship, service, and leadership, the college will employ and develop outstanding faculty and provide excellent, accredited, affordable, and accessible degree programs for a diverse student population at various instructional sites.
Goal: To foster intellectual, spiritual, and social development in Pillar students, the college faculty and staff will model Christian faith and love, and encourage an atmosphere of edifying relationships, activities, and morale.
Goal: To serve more students, establish an ethnically diverse student population, and offer relevant programs at various instructional sites, the college will focus on enrollment growth in the traditional, adult degree-completion (LEAD) and BLEND our bilingual entry program.
Goal: To provide sufficient financial, technological, facility, and human resources, the leadership of the college will continually educate, evaluate, and enhance its personnel and operational capabilities for effective and efficient administrative functions.
Goal: To ensure its financial strength, Pillar will promote its mission, vision, and message through effective marketing strategies and materials by developing relationships with the public and philanthropically-minded individuals.
As a member institution of the Association of Biblical Higher Education (www.abhe.org), Pillar College affirms the following Tenets of Faith:
Pillar College is a community of believers who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a community where persons seek to live out their commitment to Christ in lives of sanctity at both the personal and social level in accordance with the Scripture. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators seek to develop and nurture relationships in mutual respect. They exercise their responsibilities within certain policies and structures that make it possible for the institution to fulfill its mission. Members of the Pillar College family bear witness to the authentic Christian faith by living and working in true Christian discipleship. Personal integrity, purity, and love for one another are the hallmarks of this discipleship which in turn influences the entire community. Through shared experiences in classes, study, chapel services, meals, small groups, and prayer meetings, the members of this community encourage one another to find wholeness in Christ and fitness for ministry in the church and other vocational settings. Based on these general principles outlined in the Pillar Ethos, a standard of conduct emerges.
Ever since its founding as a Bible institute in 1908, Pillar College has been guided by the Bible in its worldview and ethical convictions. This has not changed nor will it. Pillar embraces the biblical view of sexuality which has not changed during the 1,800 years of revelational history, as it’s inerrant and unalterable guide and policy for sexual standards. This view confines sexual expression to the traditional marriage relationship. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and bestiality are forbidden and considered to be sins against God, society, and oneself. Marriage is held to be a union between a man and woman. Gender identification is determined by God and must not be altered to suit an individual’s preference. At its May 2015 meeting, the Board of Trustees unanimously adopted the statement above, applying it to all Pillar College trustees, employees and students. A fuller statement of Pillar College’s view on human sexuality was also adopted at the same meeting. That statement may be found here.
Pillar College was founded as an undergraduate-level institution is committed to historic Christianity and ministry as reflected in its Statement of Faith.
The College holds that there is one Church universal according to the ancient Apostles Creed. At the same time, Pillar recognizes that the one Church in time and history is made up of many confessing traditions and denominations. The College is committed to an approach to Christian undergraduate education that is based upon the classical Christian faith with its apostolic view of the church as one body with many members.
Therefore, Pillar seeks to educate students of various theological traditions for service within their own denominations and churches. In addition, the College creates a climate for study and fellowship which encourages, equips, and enhances spiritual development and ministry.
At Pillar College, we strive to bring all of life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We believe that a personal faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation for social, intellectual, and spiritual growth; further, the College believes that as ethical principles of the Christian faith are applied to life, certain actions are beneficial and others are detrimental to the development of Christian character. Spiritual discernment and restraint are needed in seeking to lead a holy life; this includes to what you allow your eyes and ears to be exposed. God’s Word specifically states that some actions such as stealing, the use of slanderous or profane language, occult practices, and inappropriate sexual behaviors such as premarital sex, marital infidelity, and homosexual behaviors are unacceptable; actions motivated apart from love and faith are dishonoring as well. The use of illegal drugs and other substances that are harmful to the temple of the indwelling Spirit are prohibited.