August 12, 2022
Pillar College professor Dr. Joanne Noel addressed the second annual S.O.U.L. (Spirit of Uniting Love) Conference on April 24, 2022, as part of a ministry to inmates at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.
“These women were created by God and are loved by God. What an honor it was to be given the opportunity to serve at the SOUL Conference,” said Dr. Noel. “I look forward to other opportunities to offer encouragement and empowerment to these women who have experienced various setbacks in life. May their comeback be triumphant,” she said.
During her visit, Dr. Noel shared a message of hope as she spoke of the resilience and perseverance each former inmate will need in order to “get up” and recover from the setbacks of incarceration and rejection while moving forward to a better tomorrow. “Resilience and perseverance are two superpowers that women should embrace,” she said, “These are getting-up power!”
Dr. Noel’s timely message resonated with her audience of female inmates by promoting a spirit of hope and renewal. Assistant Commissioner Darcella Patterson Sessomes of the New Jersey Department of Corrections said inmates continue to be inspired by Dr. Noel’s positive message and hope she will revisit the Mahan facility.
“We are truly honored that you would spend time in prison ministry during what we know is a busy day for you,” said Dr. Patterson Sessomes. “Your inspiring and enriching words to all the women has had a positive impact on their healing journey. From your warm smile to sharing the message of resiliency, your encouraging spirit was contagious. The women were and continue to be encouraged,” she said.