Honoring women of greater Newark Awards

March 6, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Maxine Bradshaw, Associate Dean and Professor of Psychology and Counseling, who was honored at the Women’s History Celebration of the Greater Newark Women’s Assembly 2023 and received three awards! The goal of the honors luncheon was to affirm, recognize and celebrate the past, present and future accomplishments of women in Newark and beyond. The theme was Proverbs 31:30-31

Dr. Bradshaw received the Certificate of Honor-The Distinguished Service Recognition: a decoration awarded for leadership and role model for family, women and community by the Greater Newark Women’s Assembly. She received the City of Newark Legacy Leadership Honors Award from Mayor Ras Baraka under the category of Education and Mentorship. Dr. Bradshaw also received the Certificate of Recognition from Council Member-At-Large Louise Scott Rountree for “ongoing service, leadership, hard work and determination to assist the surrounding communities as we move Newark forward improving the quality of life for our residents.

The event was a great opportunity to network and acknowledge the work being accomplished through Pillar College. In her speech, Mrs. Rountree recognized the impact of the Pillar College therapeutic groups and Dr. Bradshaw’s assistance in presenting mental health strategies to the Newark Clergy Alliance.

#pillarcollege #womenshistorymonth


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